Title Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems
Description These two papers contain two main results which we address in the course:

(A) Theorem 3.1 in "Siegmund - 2002 -
Dichotomy spectrum for nonautonomous differential equations.pdf"

(B) Theorem 10 in "Doan et al. - 2012 -
A unified approach to finite-time hyperbolicity which extends finite-time Lyapunov exponents.pdf"

The papers serve as references for the course and might be helpful along with the lectures.
Session Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems
Event 12th RTNS
Date 2015-01-26
File /images/files/events/rtns2015/materiales/Siegmund/Siegmund - 2002.pdf
File 2 /images/files/events/rtns2015/materiales/Siegmund/Doan et al. - 2012.pdf
Responsable Stefan Siegmund