nodo  UAB

The Grup de Sistemes Dinàmics de la UAB (GSD-UAB) was established in 1987. The main goal of the group is to study dynamical systems as qualitative and quantitative tools for understanding mathematical models in the experimental sciences. Many of these models can be formulated through continuous dynamical systems (or differential equations) and discrete dynamical systems (or iteration of applications). We aim to achieve these goals with a special emphasis on the following research areas:

  • Study of families of periodic orbits and their bifurcations, as well as systems of differential equations in finite dimensions: Hilbert's 16th Problem, center characterization, isochronicity, piecewise linear systems, perturbations of Hamiltonian systems, and more.
  • Investigation of integrability in differential systems: Darboux integrability in polynomial differential systems in \(\mathbb{C}^n\), and determination of first integrals in significant physics problems.
  • Celestial Mechanics: n-body problem, families of periodic orbits, central configurations, and applications to astrodynamics.
  • Periodic structure in low dimensions: characterization of the set of periods of self-maps of compact varieties, periodic structure of Lyness-type difference equations, cycles and entropy for functions of graphs, rotation theory, and periods of graph maps.
  • Quasiperiodically forced systems: analytical and numerical studies on the existence of Strange Non-chaotic Attractors (SNA), "forcing" theory for quasi-periodic systems, and computation of invariant objects using wavelet bases.
 Armengol Gasull Embid (Coordinator)
 Lluís Alsedà
 Miquel Barcelona Poza
 Salvador Borrós Culell
 Magdalena Caubergh
 Anna Cima Mollet
 Montserrat Corbera
 Josep Maria Cors Iglesias
 David Juher Barrot
 Jaume Llibre Saló
 Teodoro Mayayo
 José María Mondelo González
 David Rojas Pérez
 Joan Torregrosa
 Jordi Villadelprat Yagüe
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