Title Description Sesion_ids Evento_ids Fechas Responsables
Técnicas de continuación numérica en sistemas dinámicos Insight, not just numbers 75 Dday 2014-11-14 Jorge Galán
Two time scales difference equation systems and population models Dinámica discreta en modelos de población 78 Dday 2014-11-14 Marcos Marvá
Segunda cita: teoría KAM Segunda cita: teoría KAM 76 Dday 2014-11-13 Alejandro Luque
Primera cita: Toros normalmente hiperbólicos en sistemas cuasi-periódicos Cuando el teorema encontró al ordenador 76 Dday 2014-11-13 Jordi-Lluís Figueras
Medidas fuertemente mezclantes y subconjuntos invariantes en dinámica lineal . 101 Dday 2014-11-13 Marina Murillo
Dos fenómenos singulares: experimentos, conjeturas y teoremas Insight, not just numbers 75 Dday 2014-11-13 Rafael Ramírez-Ros
Experimental Mathematics in dynamical Systems Insight, not just numbers 75 Dday 2014-11-13 Roberto Barrio
An encounter: the parametrization method Transparencias de la charla 76 Dday 2014-11-13 Alex Haro
Periodic solutions of resonant Hamiltonian systems through singular reduction Insight, not just numbers 75 Dday 2014-11-13 Jesús Palacián
El problema del centro en dimensión 3 Centro foco e integrabilidad 77 Dday 2014-11-12 Isaac García
The center-focus problem in piecewise systems Centro foco e integrabilidad 77 Dday 2014-11-12 Joan Torregrosa
El problema de centro. Una visión desde la forma normal Centro foco e integrabilidad 77 Dday 2014-11-12 Cristobal García
Central Configurations of the Newtonian N-Body Problem Notes of the advaced course RTNS2014 held in Bellaterra (CRM) January 27-31, 2014 69 RTNS 2014-01-27 Richard Moeckel
Dynamical properties in Hamiltonian Systems. Applications to Celestial Mechanics Notes of the advaced course RTNS2014 held in Bellaterra (CRM) January 27-31, 2014 70 RTNS 2014-01-27 Carles Simó
Periodic Solutions Via Averaging Theory Notes of the advaced course RTNS2014 held in Bellaterra (CRM) January 27-31, 2014 71 RTNS 2014-01-27 Jaume Llibre
Entropy in Ergodic Theory Presentation 67 RTNS 2013-01-30 Tomasz Downarowicz
A Minimal Model of a Central Pattern Generator and Motoneurons for Insect Locomotion Lecture notes 68 RTNS 2013-01-29 Philip Holmes
Lectures on bouncing balls Dynamics of Bouncing Balls 66 RTNS 2013-01-29 Dmitry Dolgopyat
Minimal Models of Bursting Neurons: How Multiple Currents, Conductances, and Timescales Affect Bifurcation Diagrams Minimal Models of Bursting Neurons: How Multiple Currents, Conductances, and Timescales Affect Bifurcation Diagrams 68 RTNS 2013-01-29 Philip Holmes
Presentations on the Holmes course Presentation on the Holmes course 68 RTNS 2013-01-29 Philip Holmes