Title Description Sesion_ids Evento_ids Fechas Responsables
Analytical tools to study the criticality at the outer boundary of potential centers. Transparencias 114 Dday 2016-11-10 David Rojas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Local uniformization of codimension one foliations. Rational archimedean valuations. Transparencias 114 Dday 2016-11-10 Miguel Fernández Duque (Universidad de Valladolid)
Monomial multisummability through Borel-Laplace transforms. Applications to singularly perturbed differential equations and Pfaffian systems. Transparencias 114 Dday 2016-11-10 Sergio Carrillo (Universidad de Valladolid)
Teoría Variacional del Estado de Transición: Fundamentos y aplicaciones a las reacciones químicas y bioquímicas. Transparencias 111 Dday 2016-11-09 Josep Maria Lluch (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Variedades al borde de la ruptura hiperbólica Transparencias 111 Dday 2016-11-09 Alex Haro (Universitat de Barcelona)
Geometría del Estado de Transición en medios condensados con campos externos Transparencias 111 Dday 2016-11-09 Fabio Revuelta (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
La química del TS Transparencias 111 Dday 2016-11-09 Florentino Borondo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Appendix to the course Appendix to the course 102 RTNS 2016-02-09 Alessandra Celletti
Lectures 7-9 Slides of the course 102 RTNS 2016-01-27 Alessandra Celletti
Lectures 4-6 Slides of the course 102 RTNS 2016-01-26 Alessandra Celletti
Slides Slides of the course 103 RTNS 2016-01-25 Ronnie Pavlov
Lectures 1-3 Slides of the course 102 RTNS 2016-01-25 Alessandra Celletti
Slides Slides for the course 104 RTNS 2016-01-22 Juan Sánchez Umbría
Abstract of Posters Abstract of Posters 106 RTNS 2016-01-22 Organizing Committee
Note Note for the course 104 RTNS 2016-01-12 Juan Sánchez Umbría
Bibliography of the course Bibliography of the course 104 RTNS 2016-01-12 Juan Sánchez Umbría
Introduction to Dynamical Systems through basic examples They might be useful for the students 80 RTNS 2015-01-26 Maria José Pacífico
Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems These two papers contain two main results which we address in the course: (A) Theorem 3.1 in "Siegmund - 2002 - Dichotomy spectrum for nonautonomous differential equations.pdf" (B) Theorem 10 in "Doan et al. - 2012 - A unified approach to finite-time hyperbolicity which extends finite-time Lyapunov exponents.pdf" The papers serve as references for the course and might be helpful along with the lectures. 81 RTNS 2015-01-26 Stefan Siegmund
Numerical techniques for large dimensional dynamical systems For this course, it is advisable to carry a personal laptop with the software MATLAB or OCTAVE already installed, in order to be able to practice on the case studies to be proposed. 79 RTNS 2015-01-26 Bosco García-Archilla
Two time scales difference equation systems and population models Dinámica discreta en modelos de población 78 Dday 2014-11-14 Marcos Marvá